Today is April 2nd, 2022. That means Awakened, the third installment in The Wevlian Chronicles, is now on Amazon. And that means every book in my fantasy trilogy is live. Published. Done.
I have mixed feelings.
Don’t get me wrong, I feel great about this accomplishment. It’s been fifteen years in the making. I originally started writing Foreordained when I was a freshman in high school, then worked on it for seven years before I published it at age twenty-two. Now, at age thirty, Awakened is complete, rounding out the whole trilogy.
I’m proud of my work. I really believe I’ve made something special. I’m sure every author thinks that, but I’ve seen the fruits of my labors. I’ve gotten messages from people that stayed up until 4 a.m. because they couldn’t stop reading. I’ve gotten texts from those that were brought to tears in the last chapters of Purged. And one fan even got Jason’s scar tattooed on his wrist.
How awesome is that?
I believe we trade stories because of the ways they make us feel. There’s something about connecting with characters and watching them overcome adversity. Maybe it gives us hope. Maybe it makes us feel like we’re not so alone. Only you can answer that question, but one thing I’m certain of is that stories connect us as humans. And I’m glad I could contribute to that connection somehow.
But I am sad in a way, and I think it comes back to that connection. I’ve written about Jason, Saryan, and Tarren for years. Now their story is done. Finished. I might not write about them ever again. I’ll definitely revisit Wevlia in the future, but saying goodbye to these characters makes me a little sad. It’s almost like saying farewell to old friends.
However, there are more stories to be told, and I’m excited for what I’ll bring you in the near future. I’m going to start my next work after a weeklong writing break—a collection of short stories and poems called I’m Sorry, Here’s a Plasma Rifle. It’ll be free for all my newsletter subscribers. But for now, let us say goodbye to Jason and the others. Thank you to everyone who has followed their journey and loved with the world of Wevlia like I did.
May the Dragon bless you.
If you’re interested in purchasing Awakened, 100% of profits will go to Doctors Without Borders until May 1st. You can use the links in this post to find all three books on Amazon.
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What do you think?